Here to Serve You
Build your own rEvo Rebreather
Complete rEvo III eXpedition Packages
EVERY rEvo III Expedition Package Comes Standard with TWO rEvodream P5's
Prices are only adjusted for which Shearwater Electronics you decide to choose for your package
EVERY rEvo III Expedition Package Comes Standard in Titanium
rEvo III Expedition w/ Petrel Hardwired PPO2 monitor (Deco Enabled) (mCCR)
rEvo III Expedition w/ Petrel DiveCan Expedition hybrid PPO2 controller non-rMS
rEvo III Expedition w/ Petrel DiveCan Expedition hybrid PPO2 controller full rMS
rEvo III Expedition w/ NERD PPO2 Monitor (Deco Enabled) (MCCR) Hardwired
rEvo III Expedition w/ (Deco Enabled) (MCCR) NERD Fisher
rEvo III Expedition w/ (Deco Enabled) (HCCR) NERD Controller non-RMS
rEvo III Expedition w/ (Deco Enabled) (HCCR) NERD Controller RMS
Choose 1 of 5 Different Shearwater Electronics Options
*Note: Price Does not include Shipping Charges, Taxes or Cylinders. Pricing based on $1.04 to 1 Euro Exchange Rate Depending on the Exchange rate prices may be higher or lower
The rEvo III eXpedition is available in all three factory sizes.
Just let us know what size you'd like in advance